Testing textures & colors

RAKU clay before bisque firing

Happy Sunday to you all! A few weeks ago, I was able to finally shape and explore a few textures with the RAKU clay. Subsequently, after a week of waiting, I was able to test the paint (pigment) with the glaze. Pigments should be handled with care: wearing a mask and gloves are necessary! What was my astonishment and If I can say my disappointment! Several colors did not release the same color after baking and even the varnish was not as bright and lustrous as expected! But hey… as I said, I’m here to learn and explore. In addition, before I complete piece, I need do many tests, and then make a final choice in texture and color.  I will get back to you this coming week with other images on ceramic. See you soon!

Bon dimanche à tous! Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai pu finalement modeler et explorer quelques textures avec la pâte RAKU. Par la suite, après une semaine d’attente, j’ai pu tester la peinture (pigment) avec la glaçure. Les pigments doivent-être manipulés avec soins : le port d’un masque et de gants sont nécessaires! Quel fut mon étonnement et je dirais même, ma déception! Plusieurs couleurs n’ont pas sorti la même couleur après la cuisson et même le vernis n’était pas aussi brillant et lustré! Mais bon…je me suis dite, je suis là pour apprendre et explorer. De plus, avant d’entamer une pièce complète, il me faut faire de nombreux tests, puis faire un choix final en matière de texture et de couleur.  Je vous reviendrai cette semaine avec d’autres images sur la céramique et à bientôt!

2 thoughts on “Testing textures & colors

  1. I love reading about your ceramic experiences. I tried it once, but I gave up, I considered it was too complicated for myself. I stick to polymer clay, but I admire a lot those that are working with this medium. Have a great day!


    1. Thank you for your interest on my ceramic work. I agree with you on that one: ciramic is kind of complicated. This medium has “rules” to follow and that is why I took a few workshops. It wouldn’t have been a good idea for me to do this alone! These workshops gives me the chance to understand this madium and also to make connections with talented people.


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